Oct 24, 2009

Young Australian Art Awards

First things first- this blog is almost entirely for my friends and others who want to follow how my progress as an artist and writer is going.
I wasn't entirely sure how to begin my first blog but I thought that the start would be best. The above painting is called Society's Puppet (or Seppy for short) and is one of the most significant elements in my life so far. In 2008 I entered him in the award mentioned as the title of this blog and he won. Due to the win, I was named the Young Australian Artist of the Year and since I haven't really looked back.
At the moment I have 3 works entered into the same competition again this year, each winning a prize. Currently I don't really have much of an idea of what piece won what. All I know is that because I won best drawing and best painting I didn't get the overall. They didn't like the idea of one person winning every category and the overall but apparently the judges were fighting for days over how to solve the dilemma.
Anyway, I'll make a new post when I go over the Melbourne in November for the awards ceremony and learn what actually happened. I'll upload my works too.
Thanks for reading.